Infant Crib Mattress Height

Choosing the right infant crib mattress height is crucial for your baby's safety and comfort. Discover the benefits of different heights here!

Choosing the right infant crib mattress can be a daunting task for new parents. One important aspect to consider is the height of the mattress. After all, your baby will be spending a lot of time sleeping in their crib, so you want to make sure they are safe and comfortable. But how do you determine the proper height for your baby's mattress? Well, let's explore some key factors that come into play when choosing the right height for your infant crib mattress.


When it comes to creating a safe, comfortable sleeping environment for your infant, choosing the right crib mattress is crucial. One important factor to consider is the height of the mattress. In this article, we'll discuss why mattress height matters and how to choose the right height for your baby's crib.

Why Mattress Height Matters


The most important reason to consider mattress height is safety. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the top of the mattress should be at least 26 inches from the floor when in the lowest position for infants under 5 months old. This is to prevent falls and ensure that the baby cannot climb out of the crib.


Choosing the right mattress height can also affect your baby's comfort. If the mattress is too high, it can be difficult for you to reach in and lift your baby out of the crib. If it's too low, you may have trouble reaching down to lay your baby down or pick them up.

Adjustable Mattress Heights

What are adjustable crib mattresses?

Many cribs come with adjustable mattress heights, which allow you to lower or raise the mattress as your baby grows. This is a convenient feature that can save you money in the long run, as you won't need to buy a new mattress every time your baby grows out of the old one.

How do they work?

Adjustable crib mattresses typically have two or three height settings that you can switch between by moving the mattress support board up or down. When your baby is very young and unable to sit up, you should use the highest setting. As they grow and become more mobile, you can lower the mattress to prevent them from climbing out of the crib.

Choosing the Right Height

When to use the highest setting

When you first bring your baby home, you should use the highest mattress setting, which is typically around 22 inches from the floor. This will make it easier for you to place your baby in and take them out of the crib without straining your back. It will also keep your baby safe by preventing them from falling out of the crib.

When to lower the mattress

As your baby grows and becomes more active, you'll need to lower the mattress to prevent them from climbing out of the crib. The AAP recommends lowering the mattress to the lowest setting when your baby is able to sit up on their own, which usually happens around 5-6 months of age.


Choosing the right height for your baby's crib mattress is an important decision that can affect both safety and comfort. Adjustable crib mattresses are a great option that allows you to change the height as your baby grows. Remember to follow the AAP guidelines for mattress height to ensure that your baby stays safe while sleeping.

Infant Crib Mattress Height: A Guide to Keeping Your Baby Safe and Comfortable

Hi there! Today, I want to talk to you about infant crib mattress height. As a mom myself, I know how important it is to have a comfortable and safe sleeping environment for your little one. That's why it's crucial to choose the right height for your infant's crib mattress. Here are ten ideas to keep in mind when choosing the best crib mattress height.

1. Safety First

The safety of your baby should always be your top priority when selecting a crib. The height of the mattress should be such that the baby can't climb over the railing and fall out of the crib. Make sure that the crib meets all current safety standards and regulations.

2. Follow Manufacturers' Guidelines

When selecting a crib mattress, always check the manufacturer's recommended height. The instructions should explain how high your baby's mattress should be according to their age and weight. Following these guidelines will ensure that your baby stays safe and comfortable.

3. High Enough For Baby's Safety

Be sure to raise the mattress height enough to prevent your baby from falling out of the crib while also allowing them access to their surroundings. This will help them to feel more secure and comfortable in their sleeping environment.

4. Easy Reach Height

As your baby grows, they will begin to reach out and start touching their surroundings. Select a mattress height that allows them to reach toys and other items within easy reach. This will promote their cognitive and motor development.

5. Starting With a High Mattress

When your baby is first born, select the highest possible mattress height to easily reach inside the crib and place your baby inside while they are asleep. This will also make it easier for you to change their bedding and clean the crib.

6. Lowering the Mattress

To keep your baby safe as they begin to stand up or sit up, you may need to lower the mattress. When your baby learns to stand up, it means the crib mattress is too low and it's time to adjust its height. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's guidelines when doing so.

7. Getting the Best of Both Worlds

If you are unsure about the best height for your baby's crib, start with the highest possible mattress position and work your way down as your baby grows. This will give you the flexibility to adjust the height according to your baby's needs.

8. Easy Access for Changing Sheets

It's more challenging to change sheets when the mattress is too low. Thus, choose a mattress height that isn't too low for you to change baby sheets with ease. This will save you time and energy in the long run.

9. Transitioning to a Toddler Bed

When transitioning your baby to a toddler bed, you will need to lower the mattress to ensure your toddler doesn't fall out of bed. This will help them to feel more independent and secure in their new sleeping environment.

10. Always Keep an Eye Open

Last but not least, always supervise your baby when they are in their crib. No matter how high or low the crib mattress is, it is essential to ensure their safety at all times. This will give you peace of mind knowing that your baby is safe and sound.

I hope these tips have been helpful in selecting the perfect crib mattress height for your baby. Remember, safety is always the priority, and keeping a watchful eye over your little one is the best way to prevent any mishaps.

As a first-time mother, I was overwhelmed with the number of decisions I had to make for my baby. One of the most important decisions was choosing the right infant crib mattress height. Here are some of my thoughts on the matter:

  • The first thing I considered was safety. I wanted to make sure that my baby wouldn't be able to climb out of the crib and fall. That's why I chose a mattress that was at its lowest height.
  • However, as my baby grew and became more mobile, I realized that having the mattress too low could actually be dangerous. If she rolled over and got her head stuck between the mattress and the crib rails, she could suffocate. That's why I eventually raised the mattress to a higher level.
  • Another thing I considered was convenience. As a new mom, I was constantly exhausted and didn't want to strain my back every time I had to lift my baby in and out of the crib. That's why I initially set the mattress at a higher level.
  • But as my baby grew and gained weight, I found that it was harder to reach her when the mattress was too high. That's why I eventually lowered it again.

Overall, I think it's important to consider both safety and convenience when choosing the infant crib mattress height. It's also important to be flexible and adjust the height as your baby grows and develops.

In conclusion, choosing the right infant crib mattress height is a crucial decision that should not be taken lightly. It's important to consider both safety and convenience, and to be willing to adjust the height as needed. As a mother, I am constantly learning and adapting to my baby's needs, and I believe that this approach will help ensure her safety and happiness.

Hello dear visitors,

Thank you for taking the time to read my article on infant crib mattress height. I hope that you found it informative and helpful in making decisions about your little one's safety and comfort. As a mother myself, I understand the importance of finding the best products for our babies.

It is crucial to choose the right height for your baby's crib mattress to ensure their safety. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that the height of the crib mattress should be adjusted to the highest position for newborns and lowered as the baby grows and begins to pull themselves up. This will prevent them from falling out of the crib or climbing over the sides, which can be dangerous.

Remember to always follow the manufacturer's instructions for your specific crib and mattress. If you are unsure about what height is appropriate for your baby, consult your pediatrician or a certified child safety expert. Your baby's safety is our top priority.

Thank you once again for visiting my blog. Please feel free to share this information with other parents who may benefit from it. Let's work together to keep our babies safe and comfortable.

All the best,

Anne Machalinski

People also ask about Infant Crib Mattress Height:

  1. What is the standard height for a crib mattress?
  2. Anne Machalinski: The standard height for a crib mattress is about 5 to 6 inches from the top of the mattress to the bottom of the crib's side rail. This is the recommended height for newborns and infants who are not yet able to pull themselves up or stand in their cribs.

  3. Can you adjust the height of a crib mattress?
  4. Anne Machalinski: Yes, most cribs come with adjustable mattress heights to accommodate your growing baby. As your baby starts to sit up, crawl, and stand, you can lower the mattress to prevent them from climbing or falling out of the crib.

  5. When should you lower the crib mattress?
  6. Anne Machalinski: It's recommended to lower the crib mattress once your baby can pull themselves up or stand in the crib. This usually happens around 6 to 8 months old. Lowering the mattress will prevent your baby from falling out or climbing over the side rail.

  7. How do you know if the crib mattress is too high or low?
  8. Anne Machalinski: If the crib mattress is too high, your baby may be able to climb out of the crib, which can be dangerous. If the crib mattress is too low, it can make it difficult for you to reach your baby or change their bedding. You can adjust the crib mattress height based on your baby's age, weight, and mobility level to ensure their safety and comfort.

  9. What should you consider when choosing a crib mattress height?
  10. Anne Machalinski: When choosing a crib mattress height, consider your baby's age, weight, and mobility level. You want to make sure the mattress is at a safe height to prevent falls or climbing. Also, consider your own height and how comfortable it will be for you to reach in and pick up your baby from the crib.

Infant Crib Mattress Height. There are any Infant Crib Mattress Height in here.
